

可以从Docker Hub搜索要查找的镜像。也可以使用以下命令搜索

docker search 镜像名称
$ docker search ubuntu:20.04
NAME                                         DESCRIPTION                                     STARS     OFFICIAL
manishfoodtechs/xfcefulldesktop_ubuntu20.4   Full Desktop In Docker : Ubuntu:20.04           5
wagner85/jks-slave                           ubuntu:20.04 - Jenkins slave                    0
hexergogo/python                             ubuntu:20.04 python-3.6~3.9                     0
bubuntux/s6-ubuntu                           Multi-platform Ubuntu:20.04 image with s6-ov…   0
mikxox/maven-test-action                     Image based upon ubuntu:20.04, includes java…   0
julianqz/ubuntu                              Minimal Ubuntu:20.04                            0
artemkrim/universal-base-image               ubuntu:20.04 with cli-tools                     0
mooping/apache2-php7                         Base on ubuntu:20.04                            0
emosyne/plink2                               Docker image based on ubuntu:20.04 and conta…   0
n0bility6/nginx-php                          ubuntu:20.04 with nginx, php and composer fo…   0
delta42/ubuntu-with-openjdk-13               Ubuntu:20.04 with OpenJDK13 JRE installed       1
julianqz/cellranger-6.0.1                    Cell Ranger v6.0.1 from 10x Genomics. Built …   0
best7777/ubus                                ubuntu:20.04  ssh and rdp and firefox instal…   0
hexiaoyuan/pete-dev-base                     ubuntu:20.04: include sshd, vim, gcc, python…   0
subha987/sshcontainer                        this uses ubuntu:20.04 as base image. this c…   0
alby117/ubuntu_full                          Ubuntu:20.04 with software-properties-common…   0
taiansu/ubuntu-phoenix-builder               An Ubuntu:20.04 with necessary packages for …   0
iedaopensource/base                          Base image for building iEDA executable bina…   0
sylketri/ubuntu20.04-latex                   LaTex Docker image based on ubuntu:20.04        0
mastack/tbuilder                             this repository is made as a ready-to-use ub…   0
ixybus/ubvimgit                              Ubuntu:20.04 with Vim and Git installed         0
datica/dcc-bastion2                          Basic Ubuntu:20.04 image for utility use in …   0
sweiyang/ubuntu-ca-cert                      ubuntu:20.04 with ca certs                      0
ariqbasyar/opencv                            OpenCV & NumPy python with ubuntu:20.04 base…   0
aghaahmadi/mypython                          ubuntu:20.04 Python 3.8.10 wkhtmltopdf panda…   0